Interact in Forbes: Healing Paralysis
“The rehabilitation robots developed by Interact reduce the cost of physical therapy and accelerate the healing process.”
“17 million people suffer stroke each year. It is probable that one in six people will be paralyzed… 75 percent of patients who suffer stroke need treatment. There is only one way in which this treatment is effective: Physical therapy… In the treatment of a paralyzed patient, various joint movements, stretching exercises, strengthening of the muscles and mobilization activities take an important place. However, the current physical therapy methods and technology generate low performance and slow results. Sabancı University spin-off Interact of Volkan Patoğlu and Esra Erdem, both associate professors, promises to solve these problems in the physical therapy process. Even by pulling down the costs of physical therapy expenditures reaching US $ 100 billion in the US and Europe, according to World Health Organization…”
Source: Forbes Turkey – Issue: February 2018